Meet our Board of Directors

  • President

    Pete Soper came to the Blue Slipper Board from a long career in the professional audio industry. In addition to his role at the Blue Slipper, he continues to do sound engineering and consulting across Southwest Montana, and teaching skiing during the winter months.

  • Vice President

    Born and raised in Montana, Mike Waldron was out of state for eight years as a young professional. He returned to Montana in 2005, moving to Livingston to start a family with his wife Jeannette. He's always been extremely proud to live in a small town with TWO Shakespeare/Globe style theaters, and wanted to help The Blue Slipper get back on its feet post-pandemic. As the Vice President of the Park County Theatre Guild, Mike oversees maintenance and HR at the theater. You'll often see him - recognizable by his distinctive beard - upstairs running hospitality or downstairs at the box office on show nights.

  • Treasurer

    Steve Leuzinger's love of theatre was originally nurtured in his hometown of St. Paul, Minnesota. He and his wife, Peggy, along with their two sons, moved to Livingston in 2004. He is delighted to have the opportunity to share his talents at the Blue Slipper Theatre, both on the stage and as a member of the Board. He has appeared in Sylvia, Baskerville, True West, and Tiny Beautiful Things at the Slipper. You may also recognize him from one of the ten shows he has been in at the Shane Center. He served on the Board in 2019, but a move to Great Falls ended that stint. Fortunately, in 2022 he was able to move back to Livingston and re-engage with our town's fabulous theatre scene. He rejoined the Board in 2023 and now serves as the Slipper's treasurer. In conjunction with that role you will often see him handling the theatre's box office duties.

  • Amy Brummit now calls Livingston home although she frequently travels for work conducting scientific research support in Antarctica, guiding on Nat Geo expedition ships, or managing a remote Arctic science station on the Greenland ice sheet.

    She has a rich and diverse background in theatre, having worked in productions both domestically and internationally. Some of her acting credits include roles in The Caucasian Chalk Circle, The Master Builder, Death of a Salesman, Picasso at the Lapin Agile, The Real Inspector Hound, Sexual Perversity in Chicago, Noises Off and Talk to Me Like the Rain (at the Slipper)

    Amy's directorial work includes The Memory of Water and The Shape of Things with East West Theatre in Shanghai, China where she also served as chairperson on the board.

    She has shared her passion for theatre by teaching all over the world, including a theatre festival with over 200 children.

    One of her most transformative experiences in theatre was studying at the prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London.

    As a board member, Amy brings a wealth of experience and a global perspective to our wonderful Livingston theatre community.

  • Steph Clewis is a theater enthusiast and musician who resides year-round in Livingston, MT. Steph's passion for community theater and expanding programming for young thespians lead her to become a board member on the Blue Slipper in late 2019. She, along with several other dedicated individuals, helped keep the lights on at The Blue Slipper throughout the era of Covid-19.  As soon as some in-person programming was possible, she championed "Live at The Blue Slipper", spotlighting local musical acts from Bozeman and Livingston once a month. Steph continues to serve on the board and bring her expertise in IT to manage the Blue Slipper's electronic resources. 

  • Ted Robinson is a dedicated and versatile professional with over a decade of experience working in the performing arts as a director, sound engineer, and sound designer. He has worked as a location audio engineer on documentaries (notable projects include Vice on HBO and Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia), eighteen feature films, and hundreds of commercials and short films. . Ted is also passionate about education and sharing his technical experience. As an adjunct professor at The New School in New York City, he taught documentary production techniques to graduate students. He is also a musician. (Check out his local band, The Beagles!).

    As a board member of The Blue Slipper, Ted is excited to broaden the scope of the theatre’s offerings to include opportunities for experimentation and arts performance for community members of all ages.

  • Lisa Snow moved to Livingston in 1991 from Charlottesville, Virginia, and the wind has yet to blow her away. Her roots are deeply rooted in Livingston community that's built on the care and keeping of one another, and on the arts in all of its many forms. She loves the Blue Slipper Theatre and the range of art forms she seeks to help bring to the stage.

    Her theatre background is sitting in the audience wherever she happens to be in the world, and in a chair reading scripts. She loves to read plays! Last year she formed a small group of similarly minded people who meet monthly in the off-season to read and discuss the plays that are being performed in the area. More at